the chiang mai trip was indeed a memorable one. having to just set aside time for Dee and going to somewhere where everything is uncertain was really trilling. i guess we should be planning for more of such trips. well, it will be awhile before the next one, since dee will be due to give birth in May. yeah, i uploaded some of the ultrasound scans in our new baby's blog.. you can click at the side. all this excites me alittle, i've actually a mulitply site which i uploaded most of our honey moon photos as well.
Speaking of photos, i've since a long time shot anything with my LC-A or Holga, but i think we are expecting 3 rolls in a week's time. hopefully the shots turns out well.
you would have since the mountain drive shots. well, my digicam was running on low and i was busy getting the Pajero on track (it's really freaky come to think about it.) i think we went passed like 4 to 5 mountains. haha. the cliff was on the right side then was on the left. then we saw a few villages. we met a few tribal people on the way... well, they are on bikes, one of them actually have a rifle with him. then some even on foot. i wonder what time they started climbing up the mountain. certainly we were all praying that nothing goes wrong with the tyres or engine. Apart from that, i keep telling myself if it would have been better to just turn back, we would have gone down the mountain a little faster. but everytime we meet some tribal people, they tell us "it's about 6km away". so we went on, and the 6 km became like 60km. travelling at 20KM/hr. but when we arrive at the other side of the mountain, it was all worthwhile. once the photos are out, you will know why.. haha.
it's been so challenging and having gone thru that, the experience is more than just a trip, but the feeling somehow reminds me that like in sometimes, when we commit into something we are completely uncertain about. then on the way, we keep questioning ourselves that we even have actually started... yet, the more we move on, the lesser the confidence, more fear jumps onto ourselves, more uncertainty. even tho we know that all "what goes up, must come down", yet that's not really convincing at all at times. and what's to add on is that it's near sunset. and if we are still stuck in there after dark, it would be impossible to get out. so darkness seems to creep into us from time to time....
it's really a great learning point, to trust in a God that comes in constantly to reassure us in our journey. even tho it's only a 2hrs 30mins drive, but it brought the phrase "more than conquerors" to a higher understanding to me. and the rewards is just so hard to describe in words. i felt rejoice, peace and accomplished at the same time.
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