Monday, June 16, 2003

in fashion

wow.... was there a fashion show at the substation yesterday or what?
anyways, was running around town the whole day yesterday. like so super busy...... i think i can be the next superhero...... BUSY MAN! in the midst of running from gig to gig... i manage to even squeese in some time to shop for pillows, quilt, bedsheets, folk spoon and knifes...... hah! my baby is really brilliant.. she's my best friend........ :)

i went back to alley bar again at the end of the day...... when it's not so crowded at least...... manage to catch a glimpse of the lomo pictures closely and slowly..... very nice place alley bar is, i dunno if i got it right, but it has got a blend of oriental and colonel smell to it...... tho the music kinda suck..... hehe.....

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